PlebDashboard is a dashboard for the Lightning network. I aim to create intuitive views and visualizations and make lightning data more accessible.
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Node In one page, you see all the active nodes in LN. It has key node data like # of channels, total capacity, and capacity percentile. Almost everything you want to know in one page. Node Visualization
Node Node ranked by Capacity, # of Channel, and Centrality measure (Hubness, Influence, Connectedness). Ranking of Nodes
LN Graph Health Lorenz curve of LN. We have plotted the Lorenz curve based on capacity and also Channels. You will learn that 1% of top nodes control 70% of the capacity of LN Lorenz Curve for Lightning Network
LN Graph Health Hubness rank (Betweenness) of a node plotted against Influence (Eigenvector). This chart is beneficial in figuring out a peer. It is good to imagine 4 quadrants - 'High Influence-High hubness', 'High Influence-Low hubness', 'Low Influence-High hubness', 'Low Influence-Low hubless' and think of how nodes are playing their role in the graph Hubness Rank vs Influence Rank
LN Graph Health Distribution of Centrality Measures. it gives us an idea on how the LN is growing. Are certain nodes becoming gatekeepers? I'll add A write-up to make this chart more accessible Distribution of Centrality Measures
Node A bar chart on nodes grouped by capacity buckets. You can find out what % of nodes have more or less than X sats in capacity, and also what the distribution looks like. Distribution of Nodes by Capacity
Node A bar chart on nodes grouped by channel count buckets. You can find out what % of nodes have more or less than X number of channels Distribution of Nodes by Channel
Node List of all nodes with at least one public channel List of all nodes with at least one public channel
Node List of Nodes that have taproot enabled List of nodes with Taproot Channels
Node Features enable by Nodes. How many nodes have enabled a certain feature? for e.g, how many nodes have enabled Keysend. Features Enabled by Nodes
Node Geographical Location of Clearnet Nodes Geographical Location of Clearnet Nodes
Channels In one page, you see all the channels in LN. Hover over it to find out the nodes connected by the channel, the size of the node, and the fee. Channels visualized in one page
Channels This has data on the distribution of # of channels by fee rate bucket. You can also find out, let's say, what % of channels have less than 10ppm fee rate. Distribution of Channels by fee rate
Channels This has data on the distribution of # of channels by capacity bucket. You can also find out, let's say, that the size of 80% of channels is less than 10M sats. Distribution of Channels by capacity buckets

  1. Insights on nodes: Growth of nodes, Segmentation of nodes. Segmentation based on Fee and routing behavior. Segmentation based on connectivity within the graph.
  2. Insights on channels: Channel growth. Channel segmentation, Channel & Fee analysis. Channel size and fee correlation.
  3. Nodes X Channels Insights
  4. Routing Simulator for your node
  5. Channel recommendation optimizing multiple objective functions. For example, optimizing for payment forward or fee, for the robustness of the LN graph (Pleb growth)...