PlebDashboard is a dashboard for the Lightning network. I aim to create intuitive views and visualizations and make lightning data more accessible.
Category | The Questions that you can get answers to? | Link |
Node | In one page, you see all the active nodes in LN. It has key node data like # of channels, total capacity, and capacity percentile. Almost everything you want to know in one page. | Node Visualization |
Node | Node ranked by Capacity, # of Channel, and Centrality measure (Hubness, Influence, Connectedness). | Ranking of Nodes |
LN Graph Health | Lorenz curve of LN. We have plotted the Lorenz curve based on capacity and also Channels. You will learn that 1% of top nodes control 70% of the capacity of LN | Lorenz Curve for Lightning Network |
LN Graph Health | Hubness rank (Betweenness) of a node plotted against Influence (Eigenvector). This chart is beneficial in figuring out a peer. It is good to imagine 4 quadrants - 'High Influence-High hubness', 'High Influence-Low hubness', 'Low Influence-High hubness', 'Low Influence-Low hubless' and think of how nodes are playing their role in the graph | Hubness Rank vs Influence Rank |
LN Graph Health | Distribution of Centrality Measures. it gives us an idea on how the LN is growing. Are certain nodes becoming gatekeepers? I'll add A write-up to make this chart more accessible | Distribution of Centrality Measures |
Node | A bar chart on nodes grouped by capacity buckets. You can find out what % of nodes have more or less than X sats in capacity, and also what the distribution looks like. | Distribution of Nodes by Capacity |
Node | A bar chart on nodes grouped by channel count buckets. You can find out what % of nodes have more or less than X number of channels | Distribution of Nodes by Channel |
Node | List of all nodes with at least one public channel | List of all nodes with at least one public channel |
Node | List of Nodes that have taproot enabled | List of nodes with Taproot Channels |
Node | Features enable by Nodes. How many nodes have enabled a certain feature? for e.g, how many nodes have enabled Keysend. | Features Enabled by Nodes |
Node | Geographical Location of Clearnet Nodes | Geographical Location of Clearnet Nodes |
Channels | In one page, you see all the channels in LN. Hover over it to find out the nodes connected by the channel, the size of the node, and the fee. | Channels visualized in one page |
Channels | This has data on the distribution of # of channels by fee rate bucket. You can also find out, let's say, what % of channels have less than 10ppm fee rate. | Distribution of Channels by fee rate |
Channels | This has data on the distribution of # of channels by capacity bucket. You can also find out, let's say, that the size of 80% of channels is less than 10M sats. | Distribution of Channels by capacity buckets |