Bitcoin Transactions: The Building Blocks of the Blockchain#

What is a Bitcoin Transaction?#

Think of a Bitcoin transaction like writing a check for digital money. When you write a check, you specify:

  • Where the money comes from (your account)

  • Where it’s going (the recipient)

  • How much is being transferred

Bitcoin transactions work similarly but with added security measures to ensure that only the rightful owner can spend their funds.

The Anatomy of a Transaction#

A Bitcoin transaction has three main parts:

  1. Inputs: Previous transactions you’re spending from (like your account balance)

  2. Outputs: Where the Bitcoin is going (like writing out who gets paid on a check)

  3. Amount: How much Bitcoin is being moved

Here’s a simple representation of a transaction: ┌───────────────┐ │ Transaction │ ├───────────────┤ │ Inputs │ │ - Previous TX │ │ - Output Index│ ├───────────────┤ │ Outputs │ │ - Amount │ │ - Recipient │ └───────────────┘

Let’s Create a Transaction!#

Now, let’s write some code to create a simple Bitcoin transaction. This code will demonstrate how to structure a transaction with inputs and outputs.

class TransactionInput:
    def __init__(self, prev_tx_hash, output_index):
        self.prev_tx_hash = prev_tx_hash
        self.output_index = output_index

class TransactionOutput:
    def __init__(self, amount, recipient_address):
        self.amount = amount
        self.recipient_address = recipient_address

class Transaction:
    def __init__(self):
        self.inputs = []
        self.outputs = []
    def add_input(self, prev_tx_hash, output_index):
        self.inputs.append(TransactionInput(prev_tx_hash, output_index))
    def add_output(self, amount, recipient_address):
        self.outputs.append(TransactionOutput(amount, recipient_address))
# Let's create a transaction
tx = Transaction()
tx.add_input("abc123", 0)  # We're spending from a previous transaction with hash 'abc123', output index 0
tx.add_output(0.5, "1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2")  # Sending 0.5 BTC to Bob
tx.add_output(0.4, "1Alice9876543210")  # Our change: 0.4 BTC back to Alice

print("Transaction Inputs (Piggy banks we're breaking):")
for inp in tx.inputs:
    print(f"  Previous Transaction: {inp.prev_tx_hash}, Output Index: {inp.output_index}")

print("\nTransaction Outputs (New piggy banks we're creating):")
for out in tx.outputs:
    print(f"  Amount: {out.amount} BTC, Recipient: {out.recipient_address}")
Transaction Inputs (Piggy banks we're breaking):
  Previous Transaction: abc123, Output Index: 0

Transaction Outputs (New piggy banks we're creating):
  Amount: 0.5 BTC, Recipient: 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2
  Amount: 0.4 BTC, Recipient: 1Alice9876543210

Key Parts of the Code Explained#

  1. TransactionInput Class: Represents an input in a Bitcoin transaction.

    • Purpose: It holds the details of the previous transaction being spent.

    • Attributes:

      • prev_tx_hash: The hash of the previous transaction.

      • output_index: The specific output from that transaction being used.

  2. TransactionOutput Class: Represents an output in a Bitcoin transaction.

    • Purpose: It defines where the Bitcoin is going.

    • Attributes:

      • amount: The amount of Bitcoin being sent.

      • recipient_address: The address of the recipient.

  3. Transaction Class: Manages the entire transaction.

    • Purpose: It collects inputs and outputs to form a complete transaction.

    • Methods:

      • add_input(): Adds an input to the transaction.

      • add_output(): Adds an output to the transaction.

Signing the Transaction#

In the real world, you sign a check to authorize it. In Bitcoin, we use a digital signature. It’s like a super secure, unforgeable signature that proves you have the right to spend from those inputs.

Let’s see how we can generate a key pair and sign our transaction.

import hashlib
import ecdsa
import os

def generate_keypair():
    """Generate a new ECDSA key pair."""
    sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
    return sk.to_string().hex(), vk.to_string().hex()

def sign_transaction(transaction, private_key):
    # In reality, we would serialize the entire transaction
    # Here, we're just hashing a string representation for simplicity
    tx_hash = hashlib.sha256(str(transaction.__dict__).encode()).hexdigest()
    sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(private_key), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    signature = sk.sign(tx_hash.encode())
    return signature.hex()

# Generate a proper key pair
private_key, public_key = generate_keypair()

# Sign our transaction
signature = sign_transaction(tx, private_key)
print(f"Private Key: {private_key}")
print(f"Public Key: {public_key}")
print(f"\nTransaction Signature: {signature[:64]}...")  # Showing first 64 chars for brevity
Private Key: a998ae920a780ac525276077a800a12c82ef353f4cb499fd8e3300967dd26ba2
Public Key: 361709e7f2560b8495b88c486a7927ddccc67f8f9ee6cc09d322e17565212a44354315bcdf55b673e88b66bf9d460d391e49ff110027e206c77690c94c56c63d

Transaction Signature: baf0aecd8e122212d2785e280850f275549de50c0e0ff2475ae5323ed16b4bbe...

Key Parts of the Signing Code Explained#

  1. generate_keypair():

    • Purpose: Generates a new ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) key pair.

    • Returns: A private key (used for signing) and a public key (used for verification).

  2. sign_transaction(transaction, private_key):

    • Purpose: Signs the transaction using the private key.

    • Process:

      • It creates a hash of the transaction using SHA-256.

      • It uses the private key to generate a digital signature for that hash.

    • Returns: The digital signature in hexadecimal format.

This process ensures that only the owner of the private key can authorize the transaction, providing security and authenticity.

Verifying Transactions#

Just as a bank verifies your signature on a check, the Bitcoin network needs to verify the digital signature on a transaction. Here’s how it works:

def verify_signature(transaction, signature, public_key):
    tx_hash = hashlib.sha256(str(transaction.__dict__).encode()).hexdigest()
    vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(public_key), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
        return vk.verify(bytes.fromhex(signature), tx_hash.encode())
        return False
# Let's verify our transaction
is_valid = verify_signature(tx, signature, public_key)
print(f"Is the signature valid? {is_valid}")
Is the signature valid? True

Key Parts of the Verification Code Explained#

  1. verify_signature(transaction, signature, public_key):

    • Purpose: Verifies the digital signature of a transaction.

    • Process:

      • It creates a hash of the transaction using SHA-256.

      • It uses the public key to check if the signature matches the hash.

    • Returns: A boolean indicating whether the signature is valid.

This verification process ensures that the transaction is legitimate and that the person spending the Bitcoin is authorized to do so.

Visualizing the Transaction#

Let’s visualize our transaction to better understand its structure. This will help illustrate how inputs and outputs are connected.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

def visualize_transaction(transaction):
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    for i, inp in enumerate(transaction.inputs):
        G.add_edge(f"Input {i}\n{inp.prev_tx_hash[:8]}...", "Transaction")
    for i, out in enumerate(transaction.outputs):
        G.add_edge("Transaction", f"Output {i}\n{out.amount} BTC\n{out.recipient_address[:8]}...")
    pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
    nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_color='lightblue', 
            node_size=5000, font_size=8, font_weight='bold')
    plt.title("Bitcoin Transaction Structure")


What Did We Learn?#

  1. A Bitcoin transaction is like a digital check: It specifies where the money comes from and where it’s going.

  2. Inputs reference previous transactions: They show where the Bitcoin is coming from.

  3. Outputs specify where the Bitcoin is going: They indicate the amount and recipient.

  4. We sign transactions to prove ownership: This is similar to signing a check.

  5. The network verifies signatures: Ensuring the transaction is legitimate.

  6. ECDSA provides security: It allows you to prove it’s you without revealing your private key.

  7. Transactions can have multiple inputs and outputs: This allows for complex money movements, but at its core, it’s about securely transferring value.

Quick Check: Did You Get It?#

Let’s see if you caught the main ideas about Bitcoin transactions:

  1. What are the three main parts of a Bitcoin transaction? (Hint: Think of a check)

  2. What is the purpose of a digital signature in Bitcoin? (Hint: It’s like signing a check)

  3. What do we call the previous transactions that inputs reference? (Hint: They show where the Bitcoin is coming from)

Think about your answers, then check below!

Click to see the answers
  1. Inputs, Outputs, and Amount.

  2. To prove ownership and authorize the transaction.

  3. Previous transactions.

Congratulations on completing the transactions chapter!